Welcome to our Assistive Computing Group
where our work is for welfare of mankind.
Assistive Computing is a branch of science that deals with human emotion. In this group we analyze human behavior, study their emotions, desing and develop systems for a better communication to human mind. One of the potential applications of assisective computing is to develop systems to fight against autism. The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the result of abnormal growth of some of the cognitive parts of human brain. The actual reason of autism is still unknown. Although a good number of children are diagnosed as autistic every year in the world, there is no definite therapy available around. Most of the time, the traditional therapies are based on their emotion determined by their facial expressions or other activities. These therapies are not good enough and there remains a huge vacancy for research in this area. Very recently, it has been noticed that their emotion can be detected by an intelligent system and if we can communicate with them by computers; we can control their learning.
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Our target is to serve humanity. We use more and more advanced technologies to make a strong social contribution. Our recent concern is about autistic children who find difficulty in learning alphabets.
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Other Programs
Speed for Loudness
By exploiting the innate urge of human being for winning a game, we tried to develop the loudness in speech of autistic children. We used the flexible game making platform Scratch for this. Our project got very encouraging results among the participants of AWF.
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Affective Computing Group (ACG)
Affective Computing Group (ACG) is an inter-disciplinary research group which will work under the proposed Media Laboratory of CSE, BUET. Currently, it is working as an independent research group under the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab of CSE, BUET.
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Why is Our Help Real?
Our intervention got success both in USA and in Bangladesh. We made a good number of children suffering from different types of autisms play our games and it helped them to develop certain skills in them. Besides the robust quantitive proofs from the taken data, we could realize the effectiveness of our therapy from the comments of the teachers and the children.
Read Ehsan's Article>>
29-05-2010   Autism Supported Classroom (ASC) Project is running
It is a classroom system where an autistic child can attend a class with neuro-typical (normal) children. The idea is very simple. There will be a computer before every student and the teacher. What the teacher will see in his/her monitor will be shown to the students' monitors. But, there will be a change if the student is autistic. The content will be changed according to the type of autism s/he has. The system, rather than the teacher; will be responsible for making the content understandable to the autistic children. We will implement the "diversity-sensitive" theme-plans for this. It will be the first-ever classroom platform which will be enable of teaching autistic children along with the neuro-typicals without the involvement of the teachers.
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Project "CleaR"
Many of the autistic children cannot utter a word clearly because they do not get the motivation. Here we will make computer games in which they will get a winning shot only if they can produce a clear word. The theme of the game has to be highly customizable as every autistic child has his/her own world and we have to communicate to him/her at that world. We can also stress on the Loudness property of their speech in parallel. We will test the performance of this software with the autistic children of AWF. This will totally be an interesting research oriented project.
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Success in Turn Taking
Khalid has got some encouragin results with his games for turn taking.
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02-04-2010  The Daily Star featured our activities
In the Autism Awareness Day (April 2, 2010), The Daily Star, which is one of the most popular English dailies featured our works n their special issue. Ehsan of ACG wrote that article for them.
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Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory, Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
© BUET Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Laboratory